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BDN member George Miles is performing at The Place in March

Tickets are now on sale for Tilted Productions' brand new work 'Constructions of Thin Air' at The Place in London, featuring BDN member, George Miles. Get them here...

One moment intimately moving, another poignantly absurd, Constructions of Thin Air exposes the often paradoxical nature of our desire and refusal to belong.

Nine performers merge contemporary dance, physical theatre and everyday objects to transform the stage into shifting architectural landscapes.

Constructions of Thin Air unfolds in two acts: the first asks questions about the notion of belonging to systems - whether political, economical, or social; the second provokes thoughts on the notion of home and family.

Created by Tilted’s Artistic Director Maresa von Stockert in collaboration with an intergenerational cast, this new work for the stage evolved from the company’s acclaimed outdoor promenade piece BELONGING(s).

"A mix of intellectual and sensory scruplousness that makes her work strikingly original."

- The Guardian on Masquerade

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Photography by Tim Garrod, Luke Lebihan and others.

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