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Introducing our resident dance filmmaker, Sarah Willmott

Sarah is a local filmmaker who offers a 50% discount on her professional rates for network members.

If you are a member and want to take advantage of this great offer, you can contact her on

For more information go to

Sarah's projects range from creative documentaries, to corporate events coverage and web marketing. Clients/ credits including: • Filming and interviewing Sir David Attenborough for the Environmental Trust London. • Music video’s for MTV. • Music journalism and camerawork for online websites • Social media campaigns for SKY and First Choice Holidays. • Teaching film and video for community groups and the Arts council • Video marketing for Brighton Festival Sarah’s main skill is in documentary filming and interviewing. She can also edit using Final cut pro and record sound. These skills have been gained whilst working in the industry and assisting BBC trained professionals as well as through her own practice. Camera skills have been improved by working alongside directors of photography on UK independent feature films.

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Photography by Tim Garrod, Luke Lebihan and others.

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