Professional Class
Join us for weekly professional level contemporary dance classes on Wednesday evenings, where our expert guest teachers give classes in three or four-week blocks.
Time: Wednesdays 7.00 - 8.30pm
Venue: Dorset Gardens Methodist Church, BN2 1RL
​Members prices:
5 Class Pass: £35 (valid for one term)
Drop-in: £9 (cash only, no need to book)
​Non-Members prices:
5 Class Pass: £40 (valid for one term)
Drop-in: £10 (cash only, no need to book)
Booking: brightondancenetwork@hotmail.com
Spring-Summer 2019
KJ Mortimer: 16, 23 January
KJ's class is energetic, physical and uses athletic drive. The material focuses on connection to the centre allowing reach to extremities. Key components include sequential floor work and dynamic vocabulary challenging the whole body.
Kate Szkolar: 30 January
This class will draw on current company repertory and will include longer, release-based phrases of movement that find their way into and out of the floor. We’ll play with weight, suspension, release and strength to find freedom, fluidity and efficiency within the material.
Joe Bennett: 13, 20, 27 February
Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian art form combining music, dance and martial art. It is a 'game' between two players. In that game, the players engage in an improvised conversation of body movements. Each tries to charm, trick and outwit the other using their repertoire of steps, kicks, defences and acrobatics.
Katie Dale-Everett Dance: 13, 20, 27 March
Katie Dale-Everett Dance’s class will give participants the chance to learn duet repertoire from from their newest Arts Council England funded work Virtual You. Made with the support of The Point’s Associate Artist Scheme, Virtual You explores potential scenarios young people could find themselves in when engaging online. Expect to learn intricate duets that will challenge your skills at picking up material in audition settings. These classes will be taught by two company members.
Thomas Page: 10, 17, 24 April
“My class is both physically demanding and mentally stimulating, combining a floor work practice with elements of contortion and an overarching style of grimey movement. The class seeks to encourage dancers to find the connection of energy from internal to external movements through a series of tasks and ideas that will shift the body through space pushing your stamina to its extremes. Throughout the class I will encourage a research into ownership of movement and phrases, my classes are for the students to progress not reach a set goals established by teacher.”
Charlotte Spencer 5, 12, 19, 26 June
Valerie Ebuwa 10, 17, 24, 31 July
Teacher Biographies
KJ Mortimer
During KJ's professional dance career she has performed for a number of choreographers such as Akram Khan, Flexer and Sandiland, James Wilton, Jorge Crecis, Balbir Singh, GlassHouse Dance, Yukiko Masui, Laowai Collab Dance, Katie Green, Lila Dance, TRIBE // and is currently working with Tim Casson, Commotion Dance & StopGap.
KJ teaches a full range of ages and styles including teaching as an associate lecturer at the University of Chichester since 2014. She has also taught company class for Stopgap Dance Company, Lîla Dance, Flexer & Sandiland, Katie Green and MAP Dance.
KJ is the proud leader the Elder Adult contemporary dance company -Retrospectif Dance company and regularly teaches Professional class across the country.
Kate Szkolar
Kate graduated from London Contemporary Dance School in 2008 and has since performed in work by by Zosia Jo (Joon Dance), Mari Faulkner, Holly Blakey, Mélanie Quevedo, Jason Keenan-Smith and James Wilton (for the Rugby League World Cup opening ceremonies).
She is co-founder of PENNY & JULES DANCE, for whom she performs and choreographs. Kate has taught various classes and workshops for adults and young people around the South East.
Joe Bennett
Joe Bennett is a Capoeirista from Brighton, UK, with over 17 years experience of training Capoeira in both UK and Brazil: I started training Capoeira in 2000 and was instantly captivated by the combination of martial arts, dance and music. Through the study and practice of Capoeira I began a journey that I am still on today. Capoeira helped to transform my life in a positive way, sharing Capoeira Angola brings meaning and joy to my life. I now work with Capoeira Angola delivering social projects in the UK with Our organisation Amazonas Arts.
Katie Dale-Everett Dance Company:
Claire Hackston (KDE Company Dancer)
After being introduced to contemporary dance at Swindon Dance CAT and Hampshire Youth Dance Company Claire went on to train at London Contemporary Dance School, graduating with first-class honours. Whilst attending LCDS Claire performed works by choreographers such as Lea Anderson, Richard Alston, Hofesh Shechter and Liz Aggiss. During this time, she also worked with Rosemary Lee and OperaUpClose. Since graduating Claire has worked with Sketch Dance Company, and performed a duet choreographed by Hannah Martin-Reilly for Wessex Dance Academy. Claire is currently a dancer in this year’s GradLab.
George Fellows (KDE Company Dancer)
In 2013, with no formal experience, George began training in contemporary dance. After performing as a community participant in Tilted Production's production in the Brighton Festival 2016, George was invited to join Maresa von Stockert’s company as a performer & danced for the company in their 2017/18 touring seasons. He then went on to play Tony/Ronnie in a dance theatre production of the play ‘Beautiful Thing’ by Jonathan Harvey, co-directed by Bradley Hemmings & Robby Graham, which was the finale show of GDIF 2018.
Thomas Page
Thomas Page Dances are a contemporary dance company based in Oxford and London founded by Thomas Page in 2016. With a passion for positive social change and a love of collaboration Page rooted their practice around socio-political ideas in movement.
TPD are currently FreeSpace Artists at Studio Wayne McGregor where they are being supported to develop their work and teaching practice. The
company has been able to perform their work across the UK and Belgium,
whilst also teaching guest workshops and professional classes at various
institutions including Laban, Ballet Theatre UK, and Oxford Playhouse
Playroom. The company are pleased to be currently funded by Oxford Dance Forum through the Evolution Fund.

Previous Teachers
Luke Brown, Victoria Fox-Markiewicz, Kate Szkolar, Yael Flexer, Theo Clinkard, Hannah Martin, Aya Kobayashi, Jason Keenan-Smith, Ben Duke, Gemma Shrubb, Antonia Grove, Swallowsfeet Collective, Carrie Whitaker, Masha Gurina, Natalia Iwaniec, Euginia Demeglio, KJ Mortimer, Amanda Evans, Amy Bell, Chloe Aliyanni, Laurie Booth, Justine Reeve, Ching-Ying Chien, Daniel Hay-Gordan, Eleanor Perry, Megan Saunders, Tamar Daly, Amy Morvell, Finetta Mikolajska, Elisha Hamilton & Grace Nicol.