Brighton Dance Network Membership
Professional membership
Become a professional BDN Member for just £30 a year and enjoy being part of a supportive community of contemporary dance practitioners. We offer our members a variety of benefits including discounts on classes and workshops, and opportunities to teach and to share work.
Non-professional membership
If you are not a dance professional, become a general BDN member for just £30 a year and enjoy being part of a community passionate about dance in Brighton and beyond. We offer our general members a variety of benefits, including discounts on classes, workshops and courses.
Brighton Dance Network is currently run by volunteers and all membership fees go directly to delivering activities to benefit the dance community here in Brighton.
Membership benefits include:
A warm welcome at all of our regular Networking meetings, a voice in shaping the network and its activities.
Discounts on our programme of top quality classes and workshops.
Discounts on selected shows.
Concession Rate at BDN ticketed performance events.
Voting rights at our annual AGM.
£10 off one hour massages with our Resident Sports Massage Therapist, Nick Lawson.
50% off Sarah Willmott's professional filmmaking rates
The satisfaction that you are part of a wider collective who are all driven to creating opportunities and promoting contemporary dance in Brighton and the wider area.
Membership card.
Opportunity to show work in members only sharing events and other performance opportunities (Pro membership only)
Opportunity to teach our Open Level classes (Pro membership only)
How to join
To join simply download and complete the application form and email it to Katharine at bdnmembership@outlook.com along with your payment and we will send you your Membership Card and information pack.
Professional membership application form
General membership application form
You and BDN
Please read our Constitution and Code here to familiarise yourself with our current aims, ethos and the full terms of membership.
Non-members are warmly welcomed to one of our regular networking meetings, to meet like-minded people, share what you are doing and find out more about the contemporary dance scene in the Brighton area. On your second attendance you will be expected to sign up to membership.
You can attend some of our programmed classes, workshops, and events at a full price.
As a non-member you can sign up to our mailing list to receive opportunities and news from around the network and from its members.
How the Network works
If you have been unable to come to our meetings you might not know exactly how the Network works.
We are a grass-roots, artist-led organisation which was born out of the need to connect face-to-face with other artists. Our members make opportunities for themselves and for the benefit of others. We have the long term in our sights – we understand that we have to put time and effort into making this the community we want. A community that will support dance artists through the length of their careers. We know that by making an opportunity for one can lead to opportunities for many. All of the Brighton Dance Network’s activities happen through the hard work of volunteers.
We welcome members to put forward ideas which will benefit the whole, which have sustainability at the heart. We can’t presently offer money, but we have a group of enthusiastic and highly skilled artists, producers and administrators who are willing to give their time and expertise, and which we believe is just as valuable. If you can see room for improvement in the BDN please come along to our next meeting to get involved with making it better.
BDN Committee and AGM
Our committee members are...
Antonia Grove - Chair
Lisa Sang - Secretary
Fred Daly - Treasurer
Tamar Daly
Katie Dale-Everett
Joe Lott
Nick Lawson
George Miles
Belinda Papavasiliou
Sarah Richter-Rose
Victoria Fox-Markiewicz
All our regular committee meetings are open to members to attend and observe. Please email our Secretary Lisa Sang to express your interest.
In December we hold Annual General Meetings whereby all members can vote on the aims of the BDN, the selection of committee members and changes to the Constitution