Brighton Dance Network was founded by Rosanna Garrod and Tamar Daly to bring together conpemporary dancers in and around Brighton.
We are an open network of dancers, choreographers, teachers and creative producers around Brighton. We enjoy connecting face to face, and expanding the contemporary dance scene in and around Brighton and Sussex.
Brighton Dance Network was formed in 2013 in order to physically meet likeminded independent artists, to promote our activities, share experiences, and make things happen in and around Brighton.
We are a grass-roots, artist-led organisation which was born out of the need to connect face-to-face with other artists. Our members make opportunities for themselves and for the benefit of others. We have the long term in our sights – we understand that we have to put time and effort into making this the community we want. A community that will support dance artists through the length of their careers. We know that by making an opportunity for one can lead to opportunities for many. All of the Brighton Dance Network’s activities happen through the hard work of volunteers.
We welcome members to put forward ideas which will benefit the whole, which have sustainability at the heart. We can’t presently offer money, but we have a group of enthusiastic and highly skilled artists, producers and administrators who are willing to give their time and expertise, and which we believe is just as valuable. If you can see room for improvement in the BDN please come along to our next meeting to get involved with making it better.
We hold meetings every 4-6 weeks in the centre of Brighton - the nucleus of the region - where we share a drink and discuss what has been happening.
If you would like to be informed of the next meetings and hear about exciting projects and opportunities happening in the Brighton area, please follow up on Facebook and join our mailing list using the box at the top of the page.
To see some photos of our activities collected over the years, click here.
Who we are...


Producer, Class Programmer & Committee Member Katie has been part of the Network since 2014 and has been a constant support to BDN and its activities. She works as a freelance cross-genre dance and film artist and creative arts producer.

Assistant, Class Programmer & Committee Member



Committee Member Tamar has been an active member of the Network since its inception. She brings a wealth of experience and a pot of brilliant ideas. Her key contributions so far have been setting up and overseeing the running of our weekly professional classes, our Choreographic Labs, our site specific performance event The Dance Trail, our summer intensive programme and our annual showcase.

Contact Improvisation Co-ordinator A regular attendee of network classes and workshops, George has taken over the co-ordination of the contact improvisation classes & jams held at the Ki Centre in Brighton. George has been dancing with Maresa von Stockert's Tilted Productions since 2016 and played Tony/Ronnie in 'Beatiful Thing' the finale show of GDIF 2018. His company, Four Hands, provides dance opportunities for families with young children.

Contact Improvisation Co-ordinator