Contact Improv sessions are going weekly!

It's finally happening! As of January, Brighton Dance Network will be running contact improvisation sessions EVERY SUNDAY from 1 - 3.30pm at Brighton Ki Centre with the format of 1.5 hour class followed by an hour's jam.
As well as getting back in some of our talented local teachers, we'll also be getting lots of teachers from London down to share their skills with us.
When we took over running these sessions in March 2016, they existed as monthly jams and to now be able to run weekly classes is a fantastic achievement. Many thanks to the BCI organising collective for their hard work in making this happen and to everyone who has come to dance with us over the last year and a half.
2018 is going to be a great year for CI in Brighton!
Here are the dates and teachers for January...
7 Jan - Josephine Dyer
14 Jan - Hannah Pickett
21 Jan - Robert Anderson
28 Jan - Tamar Daly
Check out our website or facebook group for more info.