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BDN member George Miles is performing at The Place in March
Tickets are now on sale for Tilted Productions' brand new work 'Constructions of Thin Air' at The Place in London, featuring BDN member,...

Contact Improv sessions are going weekly!
It's finally happening! As of January, Brighton Dance Network will be running contact improvisation sessions EVERY SUNDAY from 1 - 3.30pm...

Brighton Dance Network Annual Meeting Monday 11th December 7.30pm at Phoenix Brighton 10-14 Waterloo Place Brighton BN2 9NB Come and...

Introducing our resident dance filmmaker, Sarah Willmott
Sarah is a local filmmaker who offers a 50% discount on her professional rates for network members. ​ If you are a member and want to...

Scratch Night Programme Announced
4 dance artists were selected to participate at Brighton Dance Network Scratch Night. Come say what you thought about their dance.

Try 360: Bodies and Screens Workshop Sunday 12th November
We are excited to announce this new workshop opportunity that is free for BDN members! Which bodies could be considered in making work...
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